Missouri Board of Nursing Sample Collaborative Practice Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) are a crucial component of the healthcare industry in Missouri. The Missouri Board of Nursing (MBON) is responsible for ensuring that nursing practice is in line with the state`s laws, rules, and regulations. To facilitate this, MBON provides a sample CPA that healthcare providers can use as a guide in developing their own agreement. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the Missouri Board of Nursing sample collaborative practice agreement.

What is a Collaborative Practice Agreement?

A collaborative practice agreement is a legally binding agreement between a nurse and a licensed healthcare provider. The document outlines the roles and responsibilities of both parties, including the scope of practice, prescribing authority, and patient care plan. A collaborative practice agreement is required in Missouri if a nurse is to engage in advanced practice nursing, which includes prescriptive authority.

Who Needs a Collaborative Practice Agreement?

Under Missouri law, advanced practice nurses (APNs) need a collaborative practice agreement with a physician, dentist, or podiatrist to engage in prescriptive authority. APNs include certified nurse practitioners (CNP), clinical nurse specialists (CNS), and certified nurse midwives (CNM).

What Should a Collaborative Practice Agreement Include?

A collaborative practice agreement must outline the following components:

1. Scope of Practice

The agreement should outline the nurse`s scope of practice, which includes the types of patients they can treat, procedures they can perform, and medication they can prescribe.

2. Prescribing Authority

The CPA must specify which medications the nurse can prescribe, the dosage, and the duration of treatment. It should also include any restrictions on prescribing, such as controlled substances.

3. Patient Care Plan

The CPA should outline the plan for patient care, including diagnosis and treatment protocols. It should specify how the nurse and healthcare provider will collaborate to provide the best care possible.

4. Quality Assurance

The agreement should include provisions for quality assurance, such as regular meetings to evaluate patient outcomes, track medication usage, and update treatment protocols.

5. Duration and Termination of Agreement

The CPA should specify the duration of the agreement and the conditions under which it can be terminated. It should also include provisions for renewing the agreement.

Benefits of a Collaborative Practice Agreement

A collaborative practice agreement provides numerous benefits to both the nurse and physician. For the nurse, a CPA provides legal protection and expands their scope of practice. It also allows them to work independently while still collaborating with a physician to provide quality care. For the physician, a CPA allows them to expand their practice and increase revenue while ensuring that their patients receive high-quality care.

In Conclusion

A collaborative practice agreement is a crucial document in the healthcare industry in Missouri. It provides a legal framework for nurses and physicians to collaborate, ensuring that patients receive quality care. The Missouri Board of Nursing provides a sample CPA as a guide for healthcare providers to use in developing their own agreement. By following the components outlined in this guide, nurses and physicians can develop a comprehensive collaborative practice agreement that will benefit both parties and improve patient outcomes.