Single (never married or lived with a partner) Select this option if you have never had a married, factual or registered relationship. You can allow your partner to discuss your payments on your behalf. This Agreement does not authorize your affiliate to act on your behalf or receive your payment. You can specify the information that is given or received from your partner. You can download and print an “Authorize a person or organization to inquire or act on your behalf” application form (SS313) after submitting this request. You can also request that this form be mailed to you. You and Family Law – a short guide to family law information for people who are considering separation or who have separated. Financial Checklist for Divorce and Separation Practical steps to separate finances and money after a separation or divorce on track. Watch a short video DV Connect offers advice, information, referrals and help, including emergency shelters and shelters and crisis interventions for people affected by domestic violence. They also run the Pets in crisis project, which organizes foster families for pets, while people affected by domestic violence are housed in temporary shelters. There are no legal processes that need to be separated.

You do not need to go to a court or government agency or fill out forms. You will not receive a certificate attesting that you are separated, but you may need to: If you have chosen that the period during which you will not live with your partner is temporary, you will need to enter a date on which you plan to live with your partner again in this field. There are no legal requirements for separation. If you are new to Australia or worried about residency, get legal help. What are my rights if I want to separate from my partner? (Pack bag) Information about your legal rights if you plan to separate from your partner. For more information about real estate settlements at the end of a relationship, see Sharing your property. Married (currently living together) Select this option if you are currently in a legal conjugal relationship. You will then need to answer a few more questions about your partner. Please indicate the date of death of your partner, e.B 11.10.2002. If leaving the area makes it harder for the other parent to see their children, you should first try to get their approval – get legal advice. For more information, see Move or travel with children.

Women`s Safety After Separation (WSAS) is an online resource for women facing separation, especially in cases of violence and abuse. Information includes online safety, emergency contacts, the legal system, recovery and survival. Divorced Select this option if you are no longer legally married to your former partner. You will then have to indicate the date of the divorce. Life after separation – reassembling room services (video) available for people who separate. There is a “real” scenario that focuses on 2 families. Separation occurs when at least one person in the relationship makes the decision to break up, responds to that decision, and tells the other person about it. Your partner doesn`t have to agree. Please indicate the date on which you separated from your former partner. If you do not remember the exact date of the end of the relationship, please enter an approximate date, by . B 11.10.2002.

If there is a domestic violence protection order against you and says you are not allowed to be in your home, you must go. You must obey the order and seek legal advice. For more information, see Family and Family Violence. If you do not have a last name, please read Important Information. If you do not remember the exact date you lived with your partner, please enter an approximate date. Please indicate the date on which you started your relationship with your current (or former) de facto registered or married partner. Separation and reconciliation refers to a circumstance in which you were married, in a registered or common-law relationship and you and your partner separated for a period of time before resuming your married, registered or de facto relationship with the same partner. Mensline – DV Connect provides information, advice and references on relationships, health, family and domestic violence.

Please indicate if you or your partner were known by another name such as maiden name, tribal name, preferred name, etc. For the purposes of Centrelink, you are considered a member of a couple if you and your partner live together or normally live together, and you are: Enter your partner`s phone number in this field. You do not need to provide this information if it is unknown to you. B for example 0212345678. Select this option from the drop-down list if you are married or in a relationship but cannot live with your partner for one of the following reasons: Separated (from the married, registered or common-law partner) Select this option if you are married, in a common-law relationship or registered and are now separated. You will then have to answer a few more questions about your former partner. In most cases, you and your ex-partner can decide who will leave the house. If you can`t agree, you can apply to the court for an exclusive use and occupancy order that requires a person to leave. This order is only made in special circumstances.

Get legal advice. An income support payment is a payment that your partner can receive from Centrelink. If you`re not sure the name of the payment your partner is receiving, check all the letters that were recently sent to you by Centrelink, as most refer to the name of the payment. If you have to leave, don`t lose your rights to the house or your belongings. You may be able to come back later. You should first think about your safety and that of your children – get legal advice. For more information, see Protecting your property. Asset Inventory Calculator Helps with real estate settlement by providing a summary of assets and liabilities in the form of a quick financial overview or with more details. Please indicate the date on which you left your mandate/temporary address or when you closed your mailbox.

If you do not remember the exact date you left your temporary address or when you closed your mailbox, please enter an approximate date, e.B 01.01.2004. A registered relationship is a relationship registered under certain prescribed state and territorial laws that provide for the registration of relationships – this may apply to opposite-sex and same-sex couples. . This is the number and address of the house where you live or would like to receive your Centrelink email. . Date of divorce Please indicate the official date on which your divorce was concluded, e.B. 11/10/2009. . This is the postcode of the city or suburb where you live, for example 2073.Queensland courted domestic violence videos A series of videos explaining the domestic and family violence trial. You can enter spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes, but not one after the other. You cannot enter a space, hyphen, or apostrophe first. For example, `Oshea cannot be accepted, but O`Shea can.

. This is the date you were born. Enter your date of birth as DD/MM/YYYY (i.e. day, month, year). A member of a couple is determined by the following circumstances: you can take your children with you, but you need to make sure to consider what is in their best interest. This includes giving them the advantage of having both parents significantly involved in their lives and ensuring that they are protected from physical or psychological harm. If you have been a victim of domestic violence, you can apply to the court for a domestic violence protection order that forces the other person to leave the house – get legal advice. You must enter your last name (or surname/first name) in this field.

For example, if your name is Katie Jane Citizen, enter Citizen as your last name. A caregiver is when one of the two couples has entered the approved acute care facility for at least 14 days. The couple is a couple of recreational care. Acute care allows alternative care arrangements for a person with a disability with the primary purpose of giving the caregiver a short-term break from their usual care arrangements. . Married – but unable to live together Select this option if you are currently in a legal marital relationship but are currently unable to live together. As of July 1, 2009, Centrelink will recognize all couples (opposite sex and same sex). When you leave your home, you can legally take with you anything you own individually or own with another person. You must take personal documents with you, such as:. Centrelink assumes that a person is in a de facto relationship once they live with another person as a member of a couple. Although it is not possible to list all the situations in which it can be determined that a person is negatively affected, some examples are as follows: Select the “Yes” option if you have or have already had other names. .

Select the status of your previous relationship. Below are tips for entering your home address if your address includes items such as “unit or apartment numbers”, “lot” numbers, “roadside delivery”, “section” addresses or other special address combinations that include the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia or not in Australia (if in a country other than Australia). . . .