A lease agreement is an essential document that helps to establish the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. In Kenya, it is a legal requirement for landlords to have a written lease agreement in place before renting out their property. The lease agreement spells out the obligations and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant. In this article, we will provide you with a sample of a lease agreement in Kenya.


This lease agreement is entered into between the landlord, [insert landlord`s name], and the tenant, [insert tenant`s name], on [insert date]. The property being leased is located at [insert address], and the term of the lease will be for [insert duration]. The lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the lease and is binding upon both parties.

Rent Payment

The tenant agrees to pay a monthly rent of [insert amount] on or before the [insert due date] of each month. The landlord reserves the right to increase the rent after the lease term has ended, with a minimum notice period of [insert number of days] days.


The tenant agrees to pay a security deposit of [insert amount] before receiving the keys to the property. The deposit will be refunded after the tenant vacates the property, provided the property is left in good condition, and all rent and utilities have been paid in full.


The tenant is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition. This includes keeping the property clean, reporting any damages or repairs required, and not causing any damage to the property.


The tenant is responsible for paying for the utilities used during the tenancy. This includes water, electricity, and gas. The landlord is responsible for maintaining the utility services and ensuring that they are in good working condition.


The tenant is not allowed to sublet the property without the landlord`s written consent. If the tenant is found to have sublet the property without the landlord`s consent, the lease may be terminated with immediate effect.


Either party can terminate the lease agreement before the end of the term. The tenant must provide [insert notice period] days notice to the landlord before vacating the property. The landlord can terminate the lease if the tenant fails to pay rent or breaches any other term of the lease.


A lease agreement is an essential agreement that outlines the terms and conditions governing a rental property. It is a legal requirement in Kenya for landlords to have a written lease agreement in place before renting out their property. This sample lease agreement provides a basic outline of the terms and conditions that should be included in any lease agreement in Kenya. It is essential to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your lease agreement complies with the relevant laws and regulations in Kenya.